Lehrgebiet für Bioverfahrenstechnik (BioVT)


Publikation: Bacterial exopolysaccharides: Novel insights on its distribution, biosynthesis, biotechnological production, and potential applications

Das Lehrgebiet publiziert mit Partnern aus Ägypten in Critical Reviews in Biotechnology einen Review zum Thema "Novel insights on its distribution, biosynthesis, biotechnological production, and potential applications".

Bacterial communities, either gram positive or gram-negative, are found to live in bacterial colonies associated with solid surfaces forming biofilms rather than as suspending planktonic cells. These biofilms help the bacterial cells accommodate and resist environmental abiotic and biotic stresses. Attachment of such microorganisms is always performed via a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances, which are composed mainly of polysaccharides or exopolysaccharides (EPS), proteins, and others. The bacterial EPS show wide spectrum of chemical and physicochemical properties, including the monomeric composition, glycosidic linkages, viscosity, overall charge, and hence, bacterial EPS have found promising applications in different industrial sectors (e.g., food, pharmaceutical, medicinal and nanobiotechnology). The current article aimed to highlight the novel insights on EPS distribution, biosynthetic genes, and potential applications.

A. Zayed, M.K. Mansour, M.S. Sedeek, M.H. Habib, R. Ulber, M.A. Farag; Bacterial exopolysaccharides: Novel insights on its distribution, biosynthesis, biotechnological production, and potential applications; Critical Reviews in Biotechnology (2021) im Druck   
















































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