Institute of Materials Science and Engineering

Influence of surface condition on the quasi-static and cyclical deformation and damage behavior of TRIP/TWIP steels

2nd funding period (2015-2019)


This project involved investigating the influence of surface conditions on the mechanical behavior of high-alloy, austenitic Fe–Mn–(Al, Si) TRIP/TWIP steels. Surface morphologies, which had formed during micro and macro processing, were characterized microscopically as well as by X-ray. The research team examined their effects on quasi-static and cyclical properties, and analyzed the wear mechanisms at various scales (millimeter to nanometer).

This is a subproject (B10, 2nd funding period 2015-2019) of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 926 researching the morphology of component surfaces.

Subproject  B10/03



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