Laboratory of Reaction and Fluid Process Engineering

Student research projects and diploma theses

Organic and crystalline fouling

  • Bachelor thesis
  • Master thesis
  • Project work
  • Research work

Organisches und kristallines Fouling


In many industrial applications of heat exchangers the heat transfer is reduced due to deposits. This so-called fouling leads to increased costs in the operation of the plant or in the purchase of the equipment. There are various approaches to characterizing and determining fouling in the literature, which are not standardized. This makes comparability between different studies difficult.

Within the SAMARA project, a standardized screening apparatus was developed, which should ensure that all fouling studies can carry out their measurements with this test setup in the future. For this purpose, the screening apparatus must produce reproducible results for all project partners.


Within the scope of the work, the influences of bulk temperature, concentration and heat flux on the fouling behavior of the material systems Ca2SOand whey protein concentrate (WPC) are investigated at the screening apparatus. Different polymer surfaces are to be investigated on the screening apparatus. The transferability of the results obtained from the screening plant is to be tested with a scale-up apparatus. The results are to be compared with literature values.



Basic knowledge of heat transfer.
Ability to work independently.
Independent problem solving.
Experience with experimental equipment and/or laboratory experience desirable.


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