Engineering materials on different scales: Experiment, modelling and simulation Sub-project 2: Influence of low temperatures and corrosive media on the fatigue behaviour of lightweight materials


In this research project the quasistatic and cyclic deformation behaviour of the aluminium alloy Al4,5MgMn at low temperatures will be characterised. Furthermore the influence of corrosive media on the fatigue behaviour of this alloy and the magnesium alloy AZ91 at ambient temperatures will be investigated.

The characterisation of the microstructural changes and cyclic deformation behaviour under near-service conditions in the temperature range -60°C ≤ T ≤ 20°C and in corrosive media (NaCl) is the central aspect of this investigation. With light-, scanning- and transmission electron microscopic investigations the initial and loading dependent condition of the microstructure will be characterised for defined fatigue states. Besides mechanical hysteresis- and electrical resistance measurements, high-resolution electrochemical corrosion potential- and corrosion current measurements will be applied.

The project is gratefully supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the Research Training Group 814 "Engineering materials at different scales: experiment, modelling, simulation".