Engineering materials on different scales: Experiment, modelling and simulation Sub-project 1: Fatigue and transformation behaviour of metastable austenitic steels at low temperatures

In this research project the influence of low temperatures and different machining conditions on the cyclic deformation and transformation behaviour of three metastable austenitic steels AISI 304, AISI 321 and AISI 348 is investigated.

The focus of interest lies on the temperature dependency of the deformation behaviour in the range -60°C ≤ T ≤ 20°C and the influence of close to surface residual stresses on metastable austenitic steels. There-fore the mechanical, magnetical and electrical data measured in fatigue tests is correlated with microstructural changes. Microscopic and X-ray diffraction analyses will be performed at defined fatigue states. This combination of physically based results and light-, scanning- and transmission electron microscopically performed investigations of the microstructure shall lead to a model which is able to characterise the fatigue behaviour.

The project is gratefully supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the Research Training Group 814 "Engineering materials at different scales: experiment, modelling, simulation".