Kutay Köklü

Research Engineer at FBK from November 2001 till October 2006.





Aurich, J.C.; Barbian, P.; Köklü, K. (2003a): Kooperation in der projektorientierten Produktion. In Industrie Management (19/5), pp. 58–61.

Aurich, J.C.; Köklü, K.; Rößing, M. (2005): Verteilte kooperative Fabrikplanung. In ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb (100/6), pp. 340–344.

Aurich, J.C.; Ostermayer, D.; Köklü, K. (2003b): Wissensvermittlung durch E-Learning. In Industrie Management (19/3), pp. 41–44.

Fleischer, J.; Aurich, J.C.; Herm, M.; Stepping, A.; Köklü, K. (2004): Verteilte kooperative Fabrikplanung - Vom 3D-Layout-Planungswerkzeug zum Assistenzsystem. In wt Werkstattstechnik online (94/4), pp. 107–110.

Warnecke, G.; Ostermayer, D.; Köklü, K. (2004): Education of Engineers by Learning in Networks. In The International Journal of Engineering Education (521-525).


Aurich, J.C.; Koeklue, K.; Gu, Z. (2006): Cooperative decision making in distributed manufacturing systems design. In Proceedings of the16th CIRP International Design Seminar, Design & Innovation for a Sustainable Society.

Aurich, J.C.; Ostermayer, D.; Köklü, K. (2003): A Holistic Education Approach for the Factory of the Future. In Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.